The Journal
Printshop Tour | Publisher Textiles and Papers
Behind some unassuming roller doors in Sydney’s Leichardt neighborhood we visit Australia’s largest hand-printed textile studio.
Printshop Tour | Problems Printing
Stopping by Tom Kracauer’s huge new space for Problems Printing in South El Monte, California.
Printshop Tour | New Impressions Print Studio
A pair of MassArt Printmaking grads have set up an impressive new space in Somerville's Union Square.
Printshop Tour | Mirabo Press, Buffalo NY
Touring around the printshop of Mirabo Press during our visit to Buffalo, NY.
Printshop Tour | Washington University, St. Louis
Artist and academic, Sage Dawson shares a tour of the printmaking studios at Washington University.
Printshop Tour | Dundee Contemporary Art, Print Studio
Community print space housed within one of Scotland’s foremost contemporary art centers.
Printshop Tour | Edition Copenhagen
We park our bikes outside of Edition Copenhagen and immerse ourselves in decades of exceptional artist collaborations.
Printshop Tour | The New Home of Edinburgh Printmakers
Excuse us while we pack all our belongings and move to Edinburgh.
The Proof is in the Prints
The ambitions of this exceptional print duo expand well beyond the walls of their modest Copenhagen studio.
From Home Studio to Hauser and Wirth
We return to visit talented printmaker Thomas Murphy and he’s a long way from the South London garage studio we met him in three years ago!
Printshop Tour | Thames-Side Print Studio
We tour the excellent facilities at the Thames-Side Print Studio in London’s Woolwich neighborhood.
Printshop Tour | Glasgow Print Studio
Checking in with one of our favorite printshops in the UK.
Printshop Tour | Print Shop LA
Inside the Chinatown HQ of one of LA’s only open access printshops.
Studio Visit | Tom Kracauer, Los Angeles
In the LA studio of talented graphic designer and printmaker.
Studio Visit | Goldteeth Brooklyn
We travel to Glendale in search of the birthplace of Goldteeth Brooklyn’s magical greeting cards.
Printshop Tour | Arion Press and M & H Type
Set amongst the historic buildings of the Presidio in San Francisco is a print facility with no shortage of history of its own.
Studio Visit | The Aesthetic Union, San Fransisco
Where letterpress can mean so much more than wedding invitations.
Printshop Tour | Wellesley College
Inspiration for when you’re laying awake at night dreaming up the perfect printshop…
Printshop Tour | Heavy Gel, Los Angeles
The best kind of scrappy in this hardworking LA printshop.
Printshop Tour | Overpass Projects, Providence, RI
A couple of RISD grads setting up shop in Providence.