Printshop Tour | New Impressions Print Studio

During our East Coast trip this summer we were lucky enough to be able to stop by the newly-opened New Impressions Print Studio in Somerville, MA.


Established by two MassArt Printmaking grads, Andrew Stearns and Stacy Friedman this is such an incredible addition to the Boston print scene. Their 3,000sg/ft space provides etching, lithography, relief, and silkscreen facilities. I still remember when we moved to the area back in 2013 there were very few open access shops where you could roll up and start making use of a well-organized space. That is exactly what Andrew and Stacy have created, and they’ve also established a really clear mission to cultivate a true sense of community around the space and the artists who use it. Ongoing print workshops and membership slots are open right now so check them out!

More information:


Printshop Tour | Problems Printing


Printshop Tour | Mirabo Press, Buffalo NY