Printshop Tour | Dundee Contemporary Art, Print Studio

Dundee, Scotland largely finds itself in art-world news as home to the new Scottish location for The Victoria & Albert Museum. For us it is also where Graham completed his undergrad printmaking studies (he. studied at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design) and the home of the Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA) Print Studio.


As part of the constellation of community-based printshops that spread across Scotland, the DCA Print Studio puts accessibility in the forefront - it costs just £52 annually to be a member of the studio! It’s location on the ground floor of the DCA building puts it in close proximity to the production and exhibition of work from cutting-edge contemporary artists and when needed their staff of master printers will partner with the museum curators to work on specific print commissions for exhibition. A big thank you to Scott for showing us around!


Favorites | Artist/Design Collaborations


An Interview with Carla Scott Fullerton