Shop Visit | Haeckels, Margate

Last weekend we hopped down to the seaside town of Margate - not two days before The New York Times decided it was the spot to visit too! A favorite store of the trip was Haeckels. It was founded in 2012 by Dom Bridges, a film maker, volunteer beach warden and coastal enthusiast. As their website shares Dom “wanted to create simple hand crafted products that showcased the surrounding coasts natural ingredients in the hope that the products themselves would then promote Margates heritage of healthy coastal living.” 


Everything smells absolutely divine (I had my nose to my wrist all afternoon after spraying their “Chalk” eau de parfum) and as you can see they’ve created an incredibly unique space filled with curiosities and of course their beautiful fragrances and skincare. 


Printshop Tour | South London Print Studio


Print Club Visits Prior Park